Back in February the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) launched the World Design Impact Prize. With the closing date of 10 May there is still plenty of time to get your nominations and submissions in. And, unlike other competitions, entry to this one is completely free of charge.
The Icsid is accepting nominations from its member organisations for exceptional industrial design led projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress, impact and social responsibility in design. The hope is that this inaugural award will create an international platform to encourage and promote projects that are solving actual social and humanitarian problems using the processes of industrial design.
“For the past three years Icsid has worked hard to create a project that will advance responsible design around the world, draw on the unrivalled expertise of our members and include the participation and interaction of the public,” says Icsid president Dr. Mark Breitenberg.
Deadline for nominations is 10 May 2011. Then, following an online public review and voting from 29 June to 30 August, the World Design Impact Prize winner will be announced at the XXVII Icsid General Assembly on 27-28 October 2011 in Taiwan, immediately following the inaugural 2011 IDA Congress held on 24-26 October.