Get ready for human-eye resolution VR

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Varjo has lifted the lid on its forthcoming professional focused ‘human eye’ resolution VR/MR headset which boasts much higher resolution than other headsets.

Varjo achieves its ‘human eye’ resolution by mimicking how the eye works in real life by only making the centre of the wearer’s gaze super sharp in focus, while everything in the periphery is out of focus.

The headset does this by using two different displays within the headset. The high pixel density ‘focus display’ uses eye tracking and a ‘bionic display’ to physically follow the wearer’s gaze in real time and a ‘context display’ for the peripheral vision. The images from both displays are blended together.
The headset will also offer ‘true cinematic quality in Mixed Reality’ via video see-through using two cameras with ultra-wide-angle lenses combined with over 4K stereo video stream running at 90 frames per second. According to Varjo, two image signal processors enable the simultaneous capturing and streaming of high-quality Mixed Reality with minimum latency.

Varjo’s first human-eye resolution VR headset is due to launch at the end of 2018, and the Mixed Reality add-on in 2019.

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