Creators of stock digital 3D models and textures, Dosch Design, have launched a range/herd of horses to its downloadable catalogue of buildings, furniture and appliances.
The completely textured 3D-models are provided in multiple file formats: 3DS, 3dsmax (version 9 and above), 3dsmax V9 & VRay, 3dsmax V9 & Mental Ray, Lightwave (version 6 and above), OBJ, VRML, SoftimageXSI, Cinema 4Dversion 8 and above, DWG and DXF, so you have no reason not to stick a piebald colt in the background of that Audi R8 rendering you’ve been slaving over.
Sadly, there are a lack of celebrity horses such as Frankel, Black Caviar, Black Beauty or Donkey from Shrek. We’re waiting…