New biocompatible silicone 3D printing material from Carbon

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A selection of 3D printed airway stents, built using Carbon’s SIL30 silicone material

SIL 30, a soft, tear-resistant, biocompatible new silicone resin, has opened up Carbon‘s 3D printing solutions to a range of medical and consumer products such as headphones, wristbands, and various other wearables.

Carbon worked with NAMSA, a leader in biocompatibility testing, to certify SIL 30 as well as six additional Carbon resins, all printable on its M Series 3D printers.

The resins are also certified for use in medical device manufacturing – another industry that has seen significant benefits from using 3D printing.
“Consumer goods and medical are two industries that show the most promise for using 3D printing for production at scale, which is why we’ve prioritised the development of novel materials like SIL 30,” said Carbon CEO and Co-founder Dr. Joseph DeSimone.

“We now have 7 biocompatible materials, more than double the amount of any other additive manufacturing company.”

Carbon VP of materials Jason Rolland, added: “For several years now, Carbon’s materials scientists have been aggressively working to create the broadest possible range and depth of photopolymer materials with exceptional surface quality, mechanical properties tuned for production, and now biocompatibility.”


“We engage closely with our customers to understand their individual requirements as we develop new production-quality materials, so the range of materials that can be used with our M Series 3D printers and Digital Light Synthesisä technology will continue to grow extensively.”

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