BCN3D Cloud software

BCN3D Cloud released for real-time 3D printing fleet management

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BCN3D Cloud has launched for real-time 3D printing fleet management, as BCN3D continues to advance its software offerings following its recent acquisition of cloud software company AstroPrint.

The first release led by the new software team focusses on an ‘enterprise-grade’ solution focused on streamlined workflows, fleets and team management as well as privacy and security considerations, all offered up through a set of three different plans: Standard, Teams, and Private.

BCN3D CSO Daniel Arroyo, said: “The integration of AM processes is becoming more critical for BCN3D’s clients because the applications are more demanding, with BCN3D machines often printing for more than 12 hours a day on average.

“With increasing printed part volumes, more people, and more machines interacting, the workflow needs to be robust and seamless.

“To support those customer needs, our vision is to provide software layers that add value to the hardware, effectively closing the circle of an enterprise-level solution.”

The BCN3D Cloud Standard plan is included for all BCN3D users (Epsilon Series and Sigma D25) and is ideal for driving the adoption of additive manufacturing within companies.

Its main features are the digital library, queues management, organising and prioritising print jobs and clusters. These allow users to group printers according to their different characteristics or capabilities and to view statistics for real-time analysis.


The BCN3D Cloud Teams allows advanced organisations to administrate a departmental structure with customised roles and permissions for members. This plan also includes the Workflows feature, which enables several workflows to be created to effectively manage and control the printing process, all the way from design to the final piece.

Depending on the role, some users can add files to the workflow while others are responsible for managing the printing process. The Teams plan will be available from late October onwards for a three-month probation period and will then be priced at 495€ per year (595$/year).

The BCN3D Cloud Private is an on-demand plan for corporations with very specific privacy and security requirements.

Barcelona (Spain), October, 6th, 2021.- BCN3D, a leading 3D printing solutions manufacturer, has announced a complete reinvigoration of its current BCN3D Cloud platform. The new web-based cloud will allow companies to scale up their additive manufacturing (AM) operations and make entire printing workflows more efficient, controlled, and easier than ever before.

The introduction of the new software follows a number of hardware innovations at BCN3D – including the recently launched Smart Cabinet – which were developed to meet rapidly growing demand for 3D printing.

The new BCN3D Cloud centralises all aspects of remote printer and resource management into one place for the easy implementation of a systematic workflow. Bringing a completely renewed experience and interface for users, BCN3D’s new platform is available under three different plans – Standard, Teams and Private.

2021 has seen BCN3D’s software vision grow, with the release of the new slicer BCN3D Stratos and the addition of the integration with Teton Simulation’s SmartSlice for print parameter optimisation. Alongside this, BCN3D has also worked with Autodesk to include BCN3D printers in Fusion 360, to offer users a fast-tracked printing process.

The new cloud has been built based on the Astroprint IP, a 3D printing software company known for its sophisticated cloud solutions, which was acquired by BCN3D in July 2021.

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