SpaceClaim Engineer 2014

Posted by - January 22, 2014
Leading the onslaught of direct modelling technology, SpaceClaim has been on the market a good eight years now. Al Dean…

Musical instruments

Posted by - February 4, 2014
This month we get our groove on as Stephen Holmes prepares to make sweet music with modern manufactured marvels

Managing colour

Posted by - February 13, 2014
Following on from last month's look at how colour influences design, Al Dean reports on how it can be managed…

All on board

Posted by - March 12, 2014
It's one thing 3D printing an aerospace component for testing but quite another getting it certified to fly. Tanya Weaver…

Virtual take off

Posted by - March 20, 2014
In order to support a growing number of engineers and their fluctuating demands for 3D graphics power Turkish aerospace firm,…