Preview: Oculus Medium

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While we’ve looked at both TiltBrush and Gravity Sketch, there’s another contender on the block. While we wait to get our Oculus rig setup working properly (Ed: and mumble about DisplayPort adapters again), we thought we’d give you a little preview as it looks like it might hold some potential for design conceptualisation.

The Oculus Tough controllers. They’re essential to Medium’s workfl ow and it comes free with your purchase

Oculus Medium looks to be a clay like sculpting tool — which aren’t particularly new, there’s been a lot of them over the years that have occasionally crept into the design and engineering realm: ZBrush, SensAble, now 3D Systems haptically controlled Freeform and Autodesk’s Mudbox come to mind.

What Medium, from Oculus themselves, does is take advantage of the Oculus’ Touch handheld controllers — in fact, a download of the application comes with the controllers.

While we’ll reserve any commentary on the functionality in the system, it does look like it holds some promise. You look to use the Touch controllers to interact with clay like forms, using a number of tools. Material creation, removal, smoothing, with a variety of brushes and forms.


With OBJ import and a wealth of 3D sculpting tools, Medium looks like it’s a good contender for design experimentation

For a consumer focussed application, it looks like it’s well thought out and incorporates a number of features that will make it useful for conceptualisation using clay modelling tools. For example, it’s possible to import geometry files (again, as OBJ format) from your desktop machine (though I’m guessing performance might take a hit if you push too much geometry its way).

There are also some more advanced features, such as symmetry, layers, the ability to copy and paste (or duplicate) chunks of geometry and adaptable/editable lighting and much more.

It seems to be a fascinating bit of kit, once again, priced at a consumer level, for a whopping 22 quid — all of which makes it all the more interesting.

This article is part of a DEVELOP3D Special Report into Virtual Reality (VR) for design, engineering and manufacturing, which takes an in-depth look at the latest developments in software and hardware and what you need to get up and running.

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To read all the articles, as they appeared in DEVELOP3D Magazine, you can download the March Edition here.

Product Medium
Company name Oculus
Price Free with Oculus Touch or $22.00

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