Tormach brings mill/turn

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I don’t know how familiar these guys are to our readers, but Tormach has some pretty nifty prototyping kit. they’ve got a range of CNC machines aimed at the higher-end hobbiest, prototyping market and the costs are pretty slick too. This month, they’ve launched an add-on for their CNC milling machines that gives you lathe or turning capability; for an extra $1150.

It seems that the Duality Lathe component is retrofitted to an existing PCNC 1100 mill, so you can effectively mill/turn in a single step – and it can be used in a manual fashion for those that love dialling in the numbers by hand.

I’m not too sure if these things are avialable in Europe, with the voltage difference, but they should be. Got to be a better bet that a 15 year old Bridgeport

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