Fun with Sketching and Physics

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I found this by accident last year but it dates from 2005. It’s still pretty damn cool if you haven’t ever seen it. One wonders what ever happened to this, it’s surely has a commercial application, even with or without the whiteboard and projector. It would be a great application to have on a Tablet PC, although I can’t say I’ve seen that many Tablet PCs in actual use (the first ones were a little bit crap from memory).

If only all CAD systems were this easy to use and powerful, mind you i think there would be lots of 2D ‘games’ developed with the physics engine by bored engineers and students. If this kind of tool was available in schools surely we would be able to get more kids interested in science?

The system was created using three different technologies:

  • Working Model 2D v.2005
  • Mimio Whiteboard Capture System by Virtual Ink
  • ASSIST sketch understanding system pioneered by MIT Professor Randall Davis

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