Upgraded WorldViz VR dev platform adds support for new peripherals, Windows MR headsets and avatars

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Vizard 6, WorldViz’s latest version of its Python-based VR development platform has launched with a focus on three key areas for enterprise uses.

New third-party VR headset and peripheral support, an easier art workflow with support for the 3D model format GLTF, and broader avatar support through Adobe Fuse CC lead the advances in the 2018 release.

All Windows Mixed Reality headsets and a number of new peripherals are now supported, including the Manus VR Gloves, and Tobii eye-tracking hardware.
These new devices have been added to HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and the 150 + peripherals, trackers, biofeedback monitors, and display types (including headsets and CAVES) that Vizard currently supports with its proprietary and integrated VizConnect software tool.

Graphics represents the other big update that will interest designers, embracing the new 3D model format GLTF, which improves graphics rendering and provides new and simplified workflows out of Revit, SolidWorks, Maya, Blender, SketchUp, Substance Painter, Modo, and more, as well as access to over 150,000 models in Sketchfab’s library.

“Vizard continues to show that there is a growing need for VR development tools that target professional audiences with specific research and business needs – needs for which game engines aren’t always the best option,” said WorldViz CEO Andrew Beall.


“For example, Vizard lets users take advantage of open source Python libraries that are widely used by the research community, and supports a range of hardware peripherals and tracking tools that aren’t needed in the games and entertainment world.”

WorldViz has now included support for avatars created in Adobe Fuse CC. Fuse offers users an easy way to customise avatars that can then be imported into Vizard with all of the associated data (such as skeletons, etc) attached.

The latest release also includes backwards compatibility to all previous Vizard versions.

DEVELOP3D readers can get hands-on with the Free version here.

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