No expense spared on this title sequence
The BBC’s latest entrepreneur vehicle, Be Your Own Boss, has exited the stuffy Dragon’s Den and is following potential moneymakers on their path to develop their ideas and win financial backing from Richard Reed of Innocent Smoothies fame.
The best part for us was seeing a product design firm getting involved at an early stage – in this case 3form Design – assisting a lone entrepreneur with their good idea and making it into a feasible, manufacturable product.
There was even a brief flicker of CAD being used and humans looking at design iterations, vanquishing the entire ‘crappy sketch straight to gleaming prototype’ myth created by other TV shows (The Apprentice, we’re looking at you…) and showing that there’s true worth to be had in collaborating with skilled professional designers.
The great idea came from Ash Reza with the Myyfeed: a baby bottle that can keep separate and then instantly mix formulated baby milk and boiled water in a sterile bottle to be used also as the feeding device.
Trotting along to 3form Design to progress his idea he needed to develop a viable product that would offer him some much needed confidence and backing in getting to market.
3form Design produced the final design and story boards to present to Richard Reed, showing that Ash had a partner to develop and manufacture the product, and therefore a route to market, which by making him part of a team he was no longer a bag of nerves ‘high risk’ individual.
Oh, and Richard Branson pops up too – which is always nice – so check it out here.