The Beast – a four-extruder synchronous build FDM 3D Printer

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Four heads are better than one…

Having seen banks of desktop FDM 3D printers building multiple models of the same thing, it’s rather surprising Cultivate3D’s effort is the first multi-extruder 3D printer we’ve seen that can churn out four of the same model onto the same build platform synchronously.

The Beast, as the name would suggest, also has a giant build area, meaning that it has the added versatility of producing large 470 x 435 x 690mm parts, and can still retain detail with reputed resolutions of 1.25 microns on the Z axis and 6.25 microns on the X and Y.

At $1,850 for a self assembly kit, and $3,299 for the built, both options include global delivery, and the machine has a raft of customisable options and add-ons, and there might be even more bargains to be had if it appears as expected on Kickstarter.

Multiple extruder heads and a big build area mean there’s a lot more options available


Its key selling point remains The Beast’s ability to simultaneously print four identical objects or groups of objects, enabling small scale manufacturing capabilities at a fraction of the cost of four individual 3D printers.

The print bed is big enough to fit a small child in. Not particularly advisable, we have to add

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