The countdown – 3 WEEKS TO GO

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We’re working harder than a pack of Japanese beavers to bring you some of the most interesting and informative talks at this year’s show.

The primary reason is because we’ve been to lots of dull conferences in our time, where a speaker has sidled up on stage to try and flog you a product for 20 minutes, or has bored you to death with a story in such grim, grey detail that it resembled a cold sandwich paste.

So with three weeks left we’re happy to tell you that the likes of Santa Cruz bikes, the people that do the visualisation work for Mercedes, the CEO of Autodesk Carl Bass, and woman of the moment Ping Fu will not disappoint you.

Best of all is that it is all completely FREE – all you have to do is register and show up on the day!

So what are you waiting for?! REGISTER HERE NOW!


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