T-Platforms launches the T-Mini P, a deskside mini cluster for CAE and rendering

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The rear of an 8 module T-Mini P, complete with interconnect cables

Here’s something that will make light work out of complex CAE simulations (and keep your feet warm during our not so glorious British summer) – a mini deskside HPC (High Performance Computing) system from T-Platforms.

The T-Mini P is a ‘minicluster’ and workstation system designed for users of simulation or rendering software that typically rely on high-end workstations, but have a growing need for high performance parallel clusters.
The modular enclosure features up to 8 compute modules (each hosting 2 x Intel Xeon E5 2600 or 2 x AMD Opteron 6200 processors), a 16-disk ‘hot-swap’ redundant storage and Gigabit Ethernet or high-speed QDR Infiniband as a node interconnect.

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are also supported with the head node having capacity for up to two Nvidia Quadro, AMD FirePro or Nvidia Tesla C-series GPUs. The system runs Microsoft’s Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 operating system which, according to T-Platforms, helps users migrate to the HPC-based workflow

The deskside four-module T-Mini P runs off two standard power supplies, while high- performance configurations with 8 modules can be mounted in a standard rack cabinet (8U) and scaled out into a larger T-Mini P-based cluster by connecting several enclosures together.

T-Platforms is headquartered in Moscow (Russia) with regional offices in Hanover (Germany), Taipei (Taiwan), and Hong Kong (China). We’re currently looking into how you’d go about buying a T-Mini P in the UK and US. We’ll post back here soon.


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