SpaceClaim extends partnerships for manufacturing

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It looks like SpaceClaim is stepping up its partner programme with new new announcements in the manfuacturing space.

The company has recently signed two agreements, both in the CAD/CAM field with both SigmaTEK systems and Aptia to assist those looking to integrate their design with manufacturing.

The SigmaTEK announcement sees integration between SpaceClaim and SigmaNEXT to allow data to be passed from 3D direct modelling within SpaceClaim to NC programming for virtually all cutting machines. SigmaTEK has nesting solutions for plasma, laser, punch, oxyfuel, waterjet, router, knife, tube/pipe and combination cutting machines and will assist with better material use, machine motion optimisation and balancing part quality with cutting speed, work flow integration, material handling, accurate estimates, and information management.

The second announcement is with Aptia Solutions, also active in the nesting and manufacturing space, sees a new SpaceClaim Nesting Plugin directly inside SpaceClaim to present “all options required to nest and, when running, presents a window that shows nesting progress in real time. Once the nesting is satisfactory, the appropriately populated sheets appear as new components, suitable for export to CNC via DXF, DWG, 2D PDF, and many other formats.

One of the things that SolidWorks got right in the early days was the foster a partner program that extended the capabilities in the core system and give the organizations adopting a much better reach than it ever could with in house developments. So, it’s good to see SpaceClaim making a big push into manufacturing preparation and growing it’s partner network.


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