Sloppy Marketing #2: SpaceClaim pull another one

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You have to love it when a 3D company gets all comfortable and happy. Silly things start to happen. Last time I posted about SpaceClaim was to talk about its somewhat foolish crediting and usage of imagery on its web-site, which was at best misleading to say the least. I was pointed back at the web-site with the words “what’s going on?” What’s all the fuss about? well, simply, the company is claiming to be the “first 3D Direct Modeling system.”

Now, I get that marketing is often about stretching things a touch, but do the powers honestly believe that people are going to buy it? Yes, SpaceClaim is a Direct Modelling system, but claiming to be the first? Seriously? The new CEO (Chris Randles) sold MathCAD to PTC. PTC also own CoCreate, one of the handful of Direct Modelling applications out there. There’s also IronCAD and CADkey.

SpaceClaim is an impressive system, but the complete and utter lack of clarity, and to be honest and more increasingly, lack of truth surrounding the product, is doing it NO favours whatsoever.

Just thought I’d add Blake’s (one of the founders of SpaceClaim) comment to the front page:

As I mentioned on SpaceClaiming, “this mistake was caused by an overaggressive search and replace on a recent web site update and has been corrected. Thanks for keeping us honest, Al! We are well aware that SpaceClaim is not the first direct modeler, but we are confident that we are the fastest and most capable.”

Thanks again,


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