Quick sneak peak at some prototyping goodness

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While I spend most of my time looking at software, there’s something I love to get involved in and that’s prototyping. One of the really exciting things about working on DEVELOP3D is having the ability to work with the various machine vendors and getting to try out some of the hardware out there for building prototypes directly from your 3D data – something that’s key for many, even in these days of highly advanced digital modelling tools. You simply can’t beat a physical model in many instances. One of the vendors I’ve not worked with for a while is 3D Systems but I’m delighted to say that this has changed and I just got an email notifications from Derek Johnson, 3D Systems’ Product Manager for 3D Modeling Materials telling me that a package would be winging its way to me shortly. That package will contain our test parts from both 3D systems’ ProJet and VFlash systems. Derek also included a few very tidy photos so I could see what was coming and I just had to share them.


Look out for a full review of the two systems over the next few months.

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