Pointwise Viewer launched for free CFD Mesh viewing

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Pointwise has launched its free software for importing, viewing, measuring, and examining the cell quality metrics of virtually any mesh in 3D, display it in a variety of styles, and compute any of dozens of mesh quality metrics.

“There are plenty of CAD viewers on the market, free and otherwise, but virtually no mesh viewers,” said John Chawner, Pointwise’s president. “Yet we know there are many potential uses for software to help engineers analyse and evaluate meshes from a variety of sources.

“For example, such a need arose during recent AIAA CFD workshops. So we decided to make the mesh viewing and examining features of Pointwise available at no cost and without a license.”
Built-in mesh importers are available for over 20 formats – including CGNS, FUN3D, OpenFOAM, SU2, UGRID – while a Plugin SDK is available for users to write their own mesh importer that will appear in the user interface automatically at startup.

The meshes can be displayed in whatever suits the user’s needs: wireframe, hidden line, solid fill, or shaded, with tools available for measuring distances and displaying cells with cutting planes.

You can find more information, and download Pointwise Viewer here.


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