New Tools for Rhino – Brazil Beta & Photogrammetry

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Word is coming out of McNeel & Associates that there are two new add-ons coming on stream for surface modelling master, Rhino. Firstly, there’s a brand new beta for Brazil, the photo realistic rendering add-on for Rhino. Updates include a new ‘Graph’ section to most textures which displays a graph of the texture’s red, green, blue, alpha or luminosity along one axis. There are also a range tools for precisely defining sun direction and position which will be mostly useful for those working with Architectural visualisation. Other updates include a context menu to the color button, implementation of Brazil’s Advanced Global Fog Environment implemented..

There’s also Rhinophoto, Photogrammetry plugin for Rhino and provides automatic 3D digitizing from a set of photographs. having had a quick look at the web-site, this tool looks pretty impressive for those wanted to reconstruct 3D models (for whatever purposes), using some standard digital cameras and a bit of time. There are some good tutorials which give you a solid idea of what’s involved in the systems use.

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