MSC Eagle Apex… yes we know this is a terribly photoshopped image…
The new MSC Apex release has been announced, with solutions for modelling and validating complex assemblies with the introduction of new part representations and connection types.
The new features in Eagle are fully integrated into Apex’s generative framework, which supports the automatic regeneration of simulation results when changes are made to part geometry or assembly layout.
Support for shell element (2D) and tetrahedral and hexahedral meshing (3D) is now completed with support of discrete mass and rotary inertia (0D), as well as beam elements (1D).
New connection types include rigid links, springs, and mesh dependent tie connections, which extend existing mesh independent glue.
The new features in Eagle should allow users to create much richer assemblies than previously, and to support the rapid conceptual design of sub-assembly and vehicle level assemblies.
Chassis frames for automotive, reinforced fuselage and wings structures for aerospace, welded assembly structure for shipbuilding, large fastened assemblies for heavy machinery and equipment companies, are a few examples.
All new features in Eagle are in line with the previous release’s principles for direct manipulation and ease-of-use. Rigid links, springs, and discrete mass attachment regions all automatically incorporate distributed coupling in their definition.
“As such, they are presented to the user in the form of an engineering abstraction rather than as individual finite element entities, which helps boost assembly modeling productivity and ease-of-use,” explains MSC.
In addition, new connections are all integrated in the Apex generative framework and regenerate as parts are modified or if their relative spatial position is changed.
“Eagle Beta testers have told us they were able to accelerate their productivity by a factor of 10x,” said Hugues Jeancolas, MSC Apex Sr. product manager.
“Incremental changes to the design, whether on parts, attribution, but also assembly layout are captured in a dependency chain that allows the user to automatically regenerate the model and visualise simulation results at a click of a button, giving users a unique flexibility to rapidly iterate on design alternatives early in the design process.”
The Eagle release also introduces the first MSC Apex Student Edition. Students around the world can download it free for use on their personal desktops here.