Mersive looks to drive down cost of large-scale visualisation

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Last week AMD launched the ATI FirePro V9800, which it hopes will help bring down the cost of large scale visualisation on powerwalls by driving up to six HD displays from a single graphics card.

The theme continued this week with the news that Mersive Technologies, a specialist in so-called ‘beyond HD display solutions’, has launched a new display system called the M-Series. It uses six HD projectors, which sit at the rear of the system, to produce one seamless image that is stitched together.

The 11-megapixel display delivers a whopping 157-inch diagonal image, almost six times the resolution of HD, while using a footprint that is only 24 inches deep. According to Mersive, the big selling point of the M-Series is that it “eliminates the need for room reconfiguration and specialist HVAC and building infrastructure.” The company also reckons that the system costs 70 percent less than a typical 11-megapixel display. It uses Mersive’s SOL Harmony display management software engine that automatically aligns, color balances, and maintains image quality across multiple projectors.

Imagine having one of those in your living room to hook up to your PC gaming system