Launch of International Women in Engineering Day

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For its fourth year, NWED is becoming the International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) and will take place on 23 June with the campaign theme ‘Men as Allies’.

Set up in 2014 to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) this national, now international, awareness day focuses attention on the interesting and fulfilling careers in engineering and technical roles for women, and celebrates the achievements of outstanding women engineers. 

In 2016 the day had a hugely positive impact with over 550 separate events being held on the day (including school events), not to mention it being reported in over 150 national and local newspapers and online articles in the UK and internationally. 
“We’re really pleased to have so much support for INWED this year and our aim is to increase our reach to a wider audience with our theme of ‘Men as Allies’; raising the profile of the opportunities available to women in engineering.

We’re also delighted to be working with The Daily Telegraph to announce the Top 50 Women in Engineering under 35 (WE50) as part of the INWED17 celebrations on 23 June,” says Kirsten Bodley, Interim CEO of WES.

Nominations are now open for WE50. WES is encouraging people to nominate as many candidates from their organisation as they’d like. The online hub to vote can be found here.

According to WES, this campaign does not intend to rank seniority of nominees, but to recognise those who act as role models and provide inspiration to other women engineers.


As well as voting, there are many other ways to participate and show support for women in engineering. Events and talks will be announced over the coming months on the dedicated INWED website and there is also a resource pack and information on what you can do to take part and spread the word.