Kubotek KeyView 12.6 allows you to open most of the popular CAD files, annotate them, and export them as a file type of your choosing
The launch of Kubotek KeyView 12.6, which allows users to open CAD-files with the need for the native system, has upped its game in offering accessibility to the latest CAD softwares.
As well as the usual IGES to CATIA switch, it now works with the latest versions of the major CAD softwares, including Rhino 3D, allowing files to be exported as a IGES, STEP, Parasolid, SAT, DWG/DXF or 3D PDF.
Not simply a way of switching annoying file types around, KeyView features tools for measuring, analysing, marking-up models, and more.
In addition, support of 3D input devices has also been added, so you can whizz around models with your SpaceMouse while cursing the person that sent you a file that needed to be converted in the first place.