Kisters 3DViewStation V2020.0

Kisters 3DViewStation rocks the Clash Detection

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Kisters 3DViewStation V2020 has been launched, boasting enhancements including: new neighborhood search features, merging objects, and faster, more accurate clash detection.

The software also now provides visualisation applications for Windows desktop, web (via any HTML5 browser), as well as a VR edition.

One major focus of development was to increase the value of 3DViewStation’s clash detection function.

“We did a complete redesign of our clash,” said Kelly Baumann, Kisters North America business development manager, explaining that Kisters have added faster performance, more options to calculate values of interest and an updated display of the results.

“We believe that, in addition to performance speed, an intuitive and attractive user interface is truly the key to user acceptance and the key to preventing staff from reverting to legacy methods and habits,” continued.

3DViewStation v2020.0 introduces a fresh new set of easily applied colour schemes, which users can now change the colour of render wires on a model by changing from the default black to a variety of colour options.

For further ease-of-use in V2020.0,  a new option allows users to select several subassemblies inside the structure tree and then merge each sub-tree to a single object – resulting in a reduced number of nodes.


“This might simplify the future processing of an assembly for our customers, re-selecting a merged group of objects instead of individual parts for clash detection,” said Baumann.

One frustrating area in the reuse of CAD data can present itself when 2D drawings contain a set of fonts that are typically not included with the drawing file, but, will need to be installed on the local system in order to render the drawing correctly.

3DViewStation now offers a 2D font substitution via a customisable table – allowing the user to maintain a font substitution table – assigning different fonts to each one that was not able to be located.

New and updated import 3D file formats include NX 1899, Parasolid 32, Revit 2020, with Revit reading performance improved.