Kisters 3DViewStation Desktop boosts rendering performance for v2017

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Improved rendering heads up the list of improvements for Kisters 3DVidewStation 2017

The 2017 release of Kisters 3DViewStation has tackled its aim to render ultra large assemblies on a small PC with standard graphics, says the 3D CAD viewer and universal viewer for engineers and designers.

“Graphics speed is now even better on built-in Intel HD series, compared to external graphics accelerators,” says Jim Eardly, Kisters North America sales manager.

“Using 3DViewStation’s progressive load and rendering, there are no long wait times during load of large assemblies. And users will experience smooth rotation and zoom.”
New file format support has also been added for CAD tools such as Solid Edge ST9, SolidWorks 2017, NX 11, HiCAD

For cloud, portal and web-solutions, there is an HTML5-based WebViewer solution available, which does not require client installation.

All file formats can be used in combination with what Kisters calls its intelligent navigation and hyperlinking features to address needs of complex integration scenarios.


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