Global contenders chase £1m prize in the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering

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The Queen, gawd bless ‘er, loves her Corgis – a rare breed of small, hardworking, occasionally nippy little buggers, with origins in ancient times – which is probably why she has such affinity for engineers.

As as result, with the backing of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Her Madge has once again put her name to The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize), a global £1 million engineering prize that rewards and celebrates the engineers responsible for a ground-breaking innovation in engineering that has been of global benefit to humanity.

Its objective is simple: to raise the public profile of engineering and to inspire young people to become engineers, a noteworthy cause that DEVELOP3D is equally behind.
Nominations open for the next award on 4 March, to which any commoner can nominate their engineering project of choice.

Bear in mind, judges will use the following criteria to select the winner:

– What is it that this person has done (or up to three people have done) that is a ground-breaking innovation in engineering?
– In what way has this innovation been of global benefit to humanity?
– Is there anyone else who might claim to have had a pivotal role in this development?

More details can be found at:


Last year the winner was (rather vaguely) The Internet and the Web – for revolutionising the way we communicate and enabling the creation of whole new industries.

Rewarded were: Robert Kahn, Vinton Cerf and Louis Pouzin (made seminal contributions to the protocols that together make up the fundamental architecture of the Internet), Tim Berners-Lee (created the World Wide Web and vastly extended the use of the Internet beyond email and file transfer), and Marc Andreessen (while a student and working with colleagues, wrote the mosaic browser, which was widely distributed and made the Web accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world, and triggered a huge number of applications).


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