Frost & Sullivan to host ‘digital manufacturing’ web conference on 23 September

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The latest findings of the ongoing end-user analysis on Industrie 4.0 will be presented during the online conference

Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services and Integrated Industries is transforming manufacturing and how factories will operate in the future. This future factory, with its self-optimised automatic system, is commonly referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industrie 4.0.

But it’s not just the factory, the entire value chain – from product inception to design, manufacturing, services and even refurbishment – will also be transformed.

To help you get your head around Industrie 4.0 and the significance of it, Frost & Sullivan will be hosting a complimentary web conference Industrie 4.0: Preparing Tomorrow’s Digital Manufacturing on Tuesday 23 September 2014 at 15:00 CET.
During the one hour web conference, Frost & Sullivan’s industry analyst Deepak Achuthashankar will present the on-going analysis on Industrie 4.0 and address the following questions :

– How will Industries 4.0 impact companies?
– Will the emergence of IoT and Big Data alter the competitive landscape?
– What are the major new business models expected to emerge in the future?
– What is missing in this new industrial paradigm?

“In the future factory, each production stage will be connected via the internet, making the whole process more flexible and catering for relatively fast feedback from end-users. Manufacturers should, therefore, be ready to redesign their processes according to customer needs as quickly as possible. The product lifecycle will be even shorter and the connection between producers and customers will become stronger. Information and Communication Technologies will offer this flexibility”, states Achuthashankar.


“Facing this new reality, manufacturers will have to reorganise current business and operational strategies in order to remain profitable in the changing environment”.

To participate in this complimentary web conference, please send an email to Frost & Sullivan’s corporate communications officer {encode=”” title=”Julia Nikishkina”}

In the meantime, watch the video below from Siemens, which highlights the company’s vision for this Fourth Industrial Revolution: highly flexible, individualised and resource-friendly mass production.


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