Fill out Cyon’s fall survey – get two grand’s worth of research in return

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After having ran into Brad Holtz, founder of Cyon Research and mastermind behind one of the industry’s most intriguing events, COFES, at Autodesk University this week, I was reminded that he’s running Cyon’s annual survey and this year it’s focussing on “software stickiness.”

The survey is open to employees of any firm that uses CAD, CAE, PDM, PLM, and/or BIM software for design, engineering, manufacturing, and or construction. Initial survey results will be published in January, with the detailed report published shortly thereafter. Why should you take the few minutes to fill out the form?

Firstly, because this research is pretty interesting. Anyone, particularly users, with an interest in trends and adoption of product development tools would find the results interesting as it’s typically the type of data you’d pay a pretty penny to get your hands on. And the other reason is that if you are a user, manager or just plain curious, for your time, you’ll also receive a copy of the final report which sells for around two $2,000. Link to the survey is here:

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