CD-adapco introduces computational rheology to Star-CCM+

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Computational rheology adds the ability to solve new flow simulations within the Star-CCM interface

With the fanfare that it’s latest release ‘significantly expands STAR-CCM+ application coverage’, CD-Adapco Star-CCM+ v10.06, features the introduction of computational rheology.

Targeting problems where viscous and viscoelastic effects are dominant, computational rheology expands the multidisciplinary scope of Star-CCM+, allowing it to solve flow in static mixers (bread dough food), flow into containers (toothpaste, shampoo), pumping slurries with significant heat generation, as well as extrusions (foam rubber insulation for door seals, rubber tires) and material processing.

The capability is built on the same Finite Element (FE) framework as Computational Solid Mechanics delivered in v10.04 and forwards the company’s mission to facilitate innovation through Multidisciplinary Design Exploration (MDX) to help customers discover better designs, faster.
Additionally, Star-CCM+ v10.06 brings further enhancements across the package, including two-way fluid-structure coupling from within Star-CCM+.

This tight coupling, easily accessed and deployed from the single user interface that CD-Adapco claims leads to an improved accuracy and results in better designed products and reduced product failure.

v10.06 brings a new and completely revamped interface for the Manual Surface Repair Tool, adding usability for both the experienced and new user and helping them save engineering time.


The new interface provides an easier to use and simpler environment for performing manual repair of triangulated surfaces, as it looks to reduce the number of clicks needed for preparing models and makes icons easier to identify and locate.

The parts-based interface is a unique capability in v10.06 offering an improvement to performance and scalability – noted by CD-Adapco as a key capability for applications that involve many parts such as vehicle thermal management, electronics cooling and heat exchangers.

Star-CCM+ v10.06 also brings significant improvements to geometry preparation by automating the defeaturing process of a detailed CAD model. This release includes a new capability that finds holes and fillets of certain size and removes them from the CAD automatically to get it ready for analysis.

Many of the new features and enhancements draw ideas from suggestions submitted through IdeaStorm, CD-adapco customers’ ideas forum.

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