ZYYX Pro II 3D Printer MAIN

ZYYX Pro II desktop 3D printer launched for design studio use

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ZYYX Labs has launches its latest FDM 3D printer, the ZYYX Pro II, for the design studio capable of 3D printing composite parts for functional prototypes.

ZYYX Labs say that the encapsulated design, carefully selected components with low noise output, in combination with a self-developed ‘clean room class’ air filters makes the ZYYX Pro II a great option for the desktop.

The Swedish-developed 3D printer has been developed to specifically for composite parts such as the carbon fibre nylon ProCarbon, or the fibreglass nylon ProGlass.

The 3D printer offers a 285 x 235 x 210mm build area, with an auto levelling build plate within its 65°C heated chamber.

A MagFlex spring-steel build-plate should assist with easier print removal, while the ZYYX Pro II’s SwiftTool2 printhead is made of hardened steel but now also insulated with a silicone hood to make it more robust and comes in several sizes and can be replaced in less than a minute to minimise downtime.

The 3D printer is also future-proofed fo high-temperature variants of SwiftTool2 to be able to print in PEEK and PEKK, for example.

ZYXX Labs is keen to promote the operational reliability of its extruder, where ZYYX Pro II uses the all-new double-sided extruder LGX from the Swedish component supplier Bondtech. This should mean that composite materials can be printed with nozzle sizes down to 0.4 mm and simpler homogeneous materials with nozzles of 0.2 mm, which produces fine geometries.


A material protection system comes with each 3D printer, to maximise the quality and durability of moisture-sensitive materials during both use and storage.

ZYYX Labs CEO Tomas Bengtsson, said: “Many of our customers have expressed a need to be able to produce prototypes in a simpler way in their office environment without having to build a soundproof printer room with extraction.

“We have designed key components in ZYYX Pro II for the printer to be as quiet as possible and with our specially filter, the exhaust air is completely odorless and particle-free, making the ZYYX Pro II a perfect desk tool for mechanical design and agile mechanical development.

“Together with our composite materials, the mechanical designer can quickly and iteratively produce functional prototypes or manufacture directly usable high-strength parts for a production line such as jigs and fixtures at a reasonable price.”