New EOS copper AM solution targets serial part production

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EOS has launched the EOS M 290 1kW, intended for serial production of parts using copper and copper alloys.

The new Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) 3D printer is based on the popular EOS M 290 platform.

EOS COPPER 3D PRINTER 290 M 1kwThe EOS M 290 1kW features a has one 1,000-Watt laser and a scanning speed of up to 7.0 m/s across its 250 x 250 x 325mm build volume – allowing a claimed printing rate of up to 55.4 cm3/h.

“The EOS M 290 1kW was developed by EOS’ AMCM group as part of its custom AM portfolio,” said EOS metal product line manager Monica Smith. “The call to further commercialise this platform was exceptionally strong due to market demand.”

The new system is intended for use in a range of industries, including space, energy and transportation, and any other field in which copper and copper alloys are commonly used.

EOS Copper CuCp and EOS Copper CuCrZr materials are fully qualified to be used on the system, and new materials will be added to the machine compatibility portfolio later in 2024.

The machine should be compatible with legacy M 290 400W process parameter sets for laser focus, beam quality, and so on. The more powerful lasers of the M 290 1kW will work to overcome issues that often arise when 3D printing copper applications.


Automotive manufacturer GBZ Mannheim GmbH & Co.KG was one of the earliest users of the technology. Managing director Thomas Corell, said: “The results are much higher optimisation of the cooling channels, lower power consumption during the product lifecycle, and we are seeing greater reproducibility on the production-side of things.”

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