Broadband rates not up to speed

Posted by - July 28, 2009
Moving processor intensive CAE operations to The Cloud is no use whatsoever if our broadband connection is inconsistent. Image Copyright…

Objet Connex350 Review

Posted by - August 28, 2009
Objet Geometries has just launched a smaller form factor and lower cost version of its Connex500 3D printer, a machine…

CFDesign for clusters

Posted by - September 11, 2009
Armed with a brand new solver technology, CFdesign can now use clusters to accelerate solve times. Greg Corke reports on…

Animal house

Posted by - September 11, 2009
With this month's product design showcase focusing squarely on the latest and greatest pet homes and accessories, one can only…

Forward thinking

Posted by - September 11, 2009
Wheelchairs aren't usually considered to be 'cool', but the Trekinetic K2 All Terrain isn't your average wheelchair. Stylish looks, coupled…

Simulation – it’s everywhere!

Posted by - September 11, 2009
With its advanced capabilities and multicore processing, Al Dean knows that simulation will soon be driving the product development process.…

Workstation Specialists WSX114

Posted by - September 11, 2009
An overclocked workstation with phenomenal performance for CAD, but with four CPU cores running at 4.0GHz it's no slouch under…