Dyson digs deep for British manufacturing Posted by Stephen Holmes - February 9, 2009 James Dyson, renowned inventor and hoover enthusiast, has made a giant donation of £5 million to the Royal College of…
Teaching old dogs new tricks Posted by DEVELOP3D - February 20, 2009 Recession, depression, whatever you want to call it, it’s upon us. Skilling up on the latest CAD software can help…
Who cares about Autocad? Posted by DEVELOP3D - March 2, 2009 Autodesk is about to release a new version of AutoCAD. In these days of dedicated design and manufacturing systems, why…
Turbocharging design and manufacturing Posted by DEVELOP3D - April 24, 2009 Al Dean visits Napier Turbochargers, a company that has recently undergone a management buyout and is currently rethinking its product…
New Diploma in Manufacturing and Product Design in the UK holds promise Posted by Al Dean - June 10, 2009 I just got details through of a new qualification in the UK that will allow 14 to 19 year olds…
Students these days don’t know they’re born – but they’re rather clever Posted by Greg Corke - June 11, 2009 When I was an engineering student back in the early nineties, even though computers and CAD were widespread in industry…
New Samples from Z Corp’s new ZP150 material Posted by Al Dean - June 26, 2009 I love the smell of bubblewrap, packing peanuts and prototypes in the morning (excuse the state of the desk –…
South of the river Posted by DEVELOP3D - July 31, 2009 As the financial crisis hits all areas of the industry, Stephen Holmes heads to one of the Capital's most CAD…
Urban legends Posted by Stephen Holmes - September 11, 2009 The weird and wacky world of urban vinyl toys is a global sub-culture with a huge following. Stephen Holmes talked…
OceanLED take on new markets with Protomold and SolidWorks Posted by Al Dean - December 18, 2009 Richard Sant is excited for OceanLED’s future in the private super-yacht market. On his office wall is the blueprint for…