Autodesk Inventor 2012

Posted by - August 29, 2011
Autodesk has been pushing Inventor hard over the last few years and this release cycle is no diff erent. Al…

Vero VISI 19: Design

Posted by - September 8, 2011
In the first of two parts, Al Dean explores what Vero Software has in store for VISI 19. This month…

Theme park rides

Posted by - September 15, 2011
From a white knuckle ride to a gentle canter, Stephen Holmes discovers how 3D technology is being used in the…

SolidWorks 2012

Posted by - September 27, 2011
Al Dean jumps into the latest release and finds a system with a focus on improving productivity as well as…

Cream of the crop

Posted by - October 10, 2011
Simba's new cultivator and seed drill not only perform better than competitor products but look better too. Tanya Weaver tracks…