
Posted by - October 27, 2010
When it comes to conceptual design, there’s a vacuum in the digital marketThis month I have been thinking about how…

Motoring ahead

Posted by - November 18, 2010
When it needed fully functioning prototypes for an affordable engine management system to impress a potential customer, Scion-Sprays chose Proto…

DesignDataManager 2010

Posted by - November 26, 2010
In the world of data management, complexity is often seen as a being the nature of the beast. Al Dean…

At your service

Posted by - November 30, 2010
Jaivel Europe is a UK centre of excellence that offers its customers a range of benefits including digital manufacturing services,…

Luxion KeyShot 2.1

Posted by - December 1, 2010
Al Dean takes a look at the latest release of Luxion's HDR driven progressive rendering system which puts photorealism firmly…

Direct modelling mania!

Posted by - December 2, 2010
‘Direct Modelling’ used to be just another relatively unpopular 3D technology. Now it seems vendors are falling over themselves to…

Engineering workshop # 8

Posted by - December 6, 2010
After a hot summer break(!) Bob Johnson continues his series of short articles on stress analysis with a first look…