Zortrax HEPA cover aims to improve 3D Prints and your safety

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A filtering device that can be attached to the top of its M200 and M200 Plus 3D printers, has been launched by Zortrax to help reduce the amount of Ultra Fine Particles (UFP) emitted during the printing process.

A HEPA filter reportedly catches over 99 per cent of particles emitted by heated thermoplastics, while also getting rid of unpleasant smells, and helping keep the build area suitably heated – reducing the potential for ABS-based materials to warp.

There’s all kinds of debate happening around the emissions from various FDM materials, so if you’re looking to keep a safe perspective your desktop printing safe – as well as improving the parts that come off the print bed – then its an interesting option.

The new HEPA cover costs £139 +VAT, and is available from Zortrax online here.


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