The countdown – 1 WEEK TO GO

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It’s almost here, so close you can smell the excitement and hear the whimpering cries of delight from over 1,000 fellow designers, engineers and makers attending DEVELOP3D Live next week – you can still register for FREE here.

Attendees will not be short of things to see and do, and with four packed conference streams, free training sessions and an expanse of exhibitors unveiling the latest in design tools, cutting-edge hardware and services – so plan your time wisely

Away from the big guns that are drawing in attendees from across the world, here’s some of our picks of those that might get initially overlooked, and why seeing them might prove a spark of inspiration:

Joe Graney, Santa Cruz Bikes, Keynote Track – ‘Creating passion and drive in students’

On a stage amongst some of the CEOs of the biggest design software companies is a man producing some of the most exciting, adrenaline-pumping products known to man; bikes that are built to be tested to the brink of destruction and keep going.

Santa Cruz are using a mixture of the cutting edge and the tried-and-tested in their development, and in a very rare talk outside the US this is a must for product designers and bike-junkies alike on how to keep the passion for design.

Dr Phil Reeves, Econolyst, 3D Printing Track – ‘Jam tomorrow – the realities of 3D printing today’

For years Phil has been a source of many stories of wonder for us, a man that as an advisor for major companies on 3D printing gets to see the cutting edge of its capabilities across the world.


That said, he’s also a realist and a steady head of what will happen and when. Have questions about future materials, the scale of builds, or machines that can offer the best possibilities? Get your questions in early!

Robbie Jamieson, AMD, Workstation Technology Track – ‘Best practises to make your workstation fly’

We’ve never met a person that doesn’t want more performance from their workstation, and without shelling out a small fortune.

Destined to be overshadowed by three great talks on the other stages, Robbie is the ideal person (techie!) to help you tune up what hardware you’ve already got through a bundle of simple best practises, which might be the boost you need.

Dr Vicky Lofthouse, Loughborough University, Sustainability Track – ‘Creating responsible designers’

A distinguished lecturer from a UK university with a fine pedigree in product design, Vicky’s research interests have included: how to engage designers in sustainability; improving the environmental and social performance of products, services and packaging; and using creativity to develop innovative solutions.

Vicky will be covering points on how to make your designs more sustainable, and how to create designers that instinctively look for a better way to design with less waste and for a longer lifecycle.

Take your time looking through the conference program as there are many wonderful speakers, exhibitors and activities all crammed into the day for your enjoyment, and don’t be afraid to register a colleague to bring along should you feel you might miss out on something. The more’s the merrier – we can’t wait to see you all!

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