SolidWorks World 2015 – Live Blog Day 3

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It’s day three and we’re back in the big room ready to get underway – stick with us throughout the day for the best collation of what’s happening here, wherever you are in the world.

As with the previous two days we’re being brought to you by Lenovo and Nvidia, our fine sponsors.

The lights are dimming and we’re underway – remember to check back throughout the day and follow the event below the line.

Catch up with all the action from DEVELOP3D’s blog from each day of SolidWorks World 2015, here and as it happened:

Day One – SolidWorks Industrial Design is launched; keynote from former MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis; Myo wearable gesture control technology

Day Two – Moon landings with SolidWorks; keynote from Dr Michio Kaku; encouraging female engineers


Day Three – New SolidWorks 2016 features preview; keynote from designer Jinsop Lee; Gian Paolo Bassi plays #SWWBingo

This Guy:

That’s it from the media sessions at SolidWorks World 2015. We’ve an exclusive interview with new Gian Paolo Bassi coming up on DEVELOP3D soon, plus our thoughts on the event and what the announcements mean for designers and engineers – so stay tuned!

3.11 – Is My SolidWorks’ content for education not stepping on the toes of the VARs? Apparently not; SW works with its resellers to produce the content, and you can link your copy to your reseller to get more from them through the interface.

3.04 – “Our products are so good that anyone can buy them, it doesn’t change who we are.” – GPB

3.02 – Demographics of SolidWorks users – 90 per cent are 1-9 seat companies, but it’s still a linear drop as they go up to 1,000+ seats.

2.58 – Future SW expansion – vertical markets like electrical and simulation – “It’s a priority for us as it’s a priority for our customers,” says GPB, users are wanting to design more smart objects, and this means more electrical capabilities.

2.56 – Encouraging more use of the simulation capabilities – younger people are not as afraid of the old limitations and scary software, and SolidWorks are seeing this trend right now with its new users.

2.55 – The foreseeable future is going to have the same rate of advancements – GPB is adamant about this.

2.50 – ‘Seeing the customers who requested changes to the software get them in the next edition is an amazing feeling’ – paraphrasing the entire panel here, but it seems a genuine sentiment.

2.46 – Model Based Definition (MBD) has had a lot of interest from users at the show, variable patterns has also got the user community happy.

2.40 – SW-ID price, $199 p/m, will cost roughly £130 in the UK

2.32 – GPB like to inspire rather than manage his team.

2.30 – Last session of SWW for us here in an ask me anything session with a number of the SolidWorks development staff.

10.05 – GPB appears on stage wearing a cowboy hat – he’s just rigged our bingo game!!! Good man Gian Paolo, good man! That’s the morning over, not a bad way to end it.

9.57 – Photoview 360 now shows all the scene illumination variables in a preview sheet – a lot quicker than having to wait for each one to render.

9.55 – Drawing scale can now be directly changed from the lower toolbar.

9.52 – Assembly mate controller, quickly and easily manipulate assemblies with multiple moving parts by dynamically adjusting mates – gets the biggest cheer so far.

9.51 – SolidWorks PDM will now come as standard within SolidWorks 2016.

9.38 – The video characters have moved onto the stage – showing new SolidWorks 2016 features – lots of ‘everyday’ productivity enhancements, spline updates and curvature for fillets. After all the talk about experience design, it’s this type of segment that brings back what most of these attendees are doing on a daily basis.

9.33 – Here’s a video from the R&D team. It’s a parody of a nature documentary.

9.29 – New path motion tool in Conceptual Design, with a few simple drag and click motions you can set up a mini animation for how a part will move. This can be advanced to include rolling objects and springs, and mechanism testing – it’s like a very quick motion simulation tool.

9.28 – Neil Cooke portfolio introduction director is here to give us some sneak peaks about what’s going to be coming in the next release.

9.24 – This year’s list is being announced – the audience is happy, so we’re happy.

9.22 – Last year’s 10 are in SolidWorks 2015 – each one gets a ripple of applause, some get a more passionate reception. Clearly these are what people want to save their sanity on a daily basis.

9.20 – Bruce Holway is on stage with another SWW classic – the Top 10 Enhancements – where customer ideas are voted on and then put into the new product.

9.13 – We’re getting a run through of the best way this could be done. The audience is gripped by this, seriously.

9.08 – Here comes 18 year veteran of SolidWorks Mark Schneider with this year’s Model Mania competition – where competitors have to model a part and are judged against time and accuracy. The customer winner this year is a lad called Nick Vande Waerdt, and the reseller champion is John MacArthur from Dasi Solutions.

9.06 – It’s a word from our sponsor time, this time Intel. Time to grab a coffee quickly.

9.05 – Seffi is here in the room, looking like he’s having a great time, so much so that he’s receiving a standing ovation from the crowd.

9.04 – Seffi even modelled the plans to his new house, making sure he’d be able to reach and everything that he would need.

9.00 – Next to the stage is Seffi – He’s from Israel and was involved in a car accident and sadly lost use of his limbs, but that hasn’t stopped him from using SolidWorks – he uses adapted mouth-controlled devices to control the models. It’s an impressive story, and he’s been designing things to help himself and people with the same problems.

8.58 – The future of digital design tools – they’ll involve more experience. Kind of fits with the marketing.

8.51 – Has the transition to digital design tools made the end products better? Would you want a new BMW, or would you like Jaguar E-Type?

8.48 – Showing the difference using video game controllers – the old NES controller compared to Nintendo’s Wii – the new controller gives a better experience.

8.46 – The highest rated experience on the five senses graph? “Great sex”.

8.42 – The five-sense theory – works from a graph, senses along the bottom rating at the side. We’re getting a demo from the experience of riding a motorbike.

8.40 – He’s had a wide range of jobs – design consultant, standard Korean military service, university lecturer, and now he’s at Linno

8.38 – Jinsop lived in five different countries growing up, including Pakistan, Mauritania and England.

8.36 – We’re heading fast into the keynote session from designer Jinsop Lee “Thanks for waking up so early to hear me speak.”

8.34 – Word from SWW platinum sponsor – and this live blog’s – Lenovo

8.33 – Gian Paolo Bassi is on stage and telling us he got to ride a horse last night… it’s a long story.

Keynote Speaker – Jinsop Lee, industrial designer and CGO at Linno

Jinsop’s design background began when he was five years old and his mother refused to buy him a Star Wars X-wing fighter, so he built his own from Lego.

While he was traumatised with his multi-colored Lego X-wing fighter, it taught him an important lesson: You don’t have to follow the instructions that come with the box.

Since then, Lee has become a multi-disciplinary designer, making use of the design process in a variety of jobs that have included design consulting, a professor of design and a stint in the army. In 2012 he was one of the winners of the TED Global Talent Search, which led to a TED talk in 2013.

Lee’s topic was the connection between design and the five senses, a theory that he was able to devise thanks to the diverse life he has lived.

Lee is currently the Chief Globalization Officer at a lighting company called Linno, where he continues to not follow the instructions that come with the box.

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