MIT launches new summer program for pro 3D printing

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MIT summer course will familiarise designer with the digital manufacturing pipeline for additive manufacture

A new five-day course on CAD for additive manufacturing has been launched by MIT for this summer aimed at professionals seeking to speed up and modernise the product design process at their companies.

An introductory course running from 26 – 30 June, Advances in Computer-Aided Design For Manufacturing will be offered through MIT Professional Education, which draws individuals from companies and organisations around the world to campus for professional development programs.

According to the course description, attendees will become familiar with the entire CAD pipeline, from developing a concept to designing a three-dimensional surface or volume, utilising Onshape.
This process also highlights the virtual simulations of various materials, numerical optimisations for automatic design, and taking into account the considerations when interfacing with manufacturing hardware.

“This course will give a high-level overview of what the modern additive manufacturing pipeline really looks like,” explained course professor Wojciech Matusik, who teaches at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). “So much has changed in the last few years. Everything from geometric modeling and Computer-Aided Design to how you interface with 3D printers, and how much the computer can do as your partner.”

“We’ll introduce some of the new technological tools and algorithms that are available, and show them a broader range of possibilities of how their computer can help them make creative designs faster than what they currently do.


“With on-demand manufacturing, you can make unique, personalised products in smaller batches,” notes course and fellow CSAIL professor Justin Solomon.

“You have much more freedom in terms of geometric design. There are many new capabilities available as well as a need to educate companies on how to take advantage of these technologies.”

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