MechanicalColor – Wheely plug in for Modo

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Wheely: Easy Radial Symmetry for MODO from Adam O'Hern on Vimeo.

If you’re using Modo for design (come on, you KNOW you want to), then you’ll know that while it has all those fancy bells, whistles and other bits and bobs that let you create complex geometry using some Sub D magic, it’s not so hot on some of the tools that more mainstream CAD tool users might be used to – like patterning features in a radial array for instance.

So, with great cheer, the folks at MechanicalColour have released the Wheely plug-in (or kit) for Modo that gives you some of that power back.
Set-up your instances, then edit the seed faces and everything updates, just like magic. This goes along with some of the other Modo goodness that they’ve got going on.

It’s yours for $20 and is ready to go. Crank up Dead or Alive and away you go!

Even better, get entering The Foundry’s latest competition – to design it’s time machine – and win a spread in DEVELOP3D Magazine, along with thousands of dollars-worth of cool prizes.

Find out more here.


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