MakersCAFE gets launch in hipster heart of Shoreditch

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Makers will get their very own coffee bar in the middle of London

RazorLAB, an online laser cutting service, is opening its long dreamed of MakersCAFE in London’s hipster heartland: Half makerspace (laser cutters, 3D printers), half cafe (barista-style coffee).

It’s arrival is a strange mix of Shoreditch nightlife staples (The Jaguar Shoes Collective have ran bars and events in the area since before the age of skinny jeans) and hands on tech goodness (UntoThisLast, Hobs Studios)

Yet it’s prime location means that it’s sure to see some impressive footfall from some of the most arty, nonchalant types the city has to offer.
It launches on 21 August, and if you’re in the area and have signed up here there’s some free booze and live entertainment – @swearstoomuch will be there, so come say hi!


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