IMASS and Trionics join forces

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Two of the UK’s top Autodesk resellers have announced that they are joining forces. Leeds-based Trionics and Newcastle-based IMASS will join their teams to sell Autodesk’s manufacturing design solutions.

Colin Watson, director of design solutions for Imass Ltd and joint-owners of Trionics Ltd, John Pickering and John Bartle, said that it would be “business as usual” with customers experiencing a seamless continuity of service. However, they stressed that by combining the strengths of the two businesses, they would be further enhancing their customer service, support and technical consultancy.

The two firms are longstanding Autodesk resellers and appear to be a good match, complimenting each other with expertise in different areas; IMASS in Oil, Nuclear and Gas and Trionics in heavy machinery and automotive. With the manufacturing segment suffering, Develop3D expects to see more mergers and acquisitions within the Autodesk sales channel.