HOOPS Exchange 2017 promises ‘fastest and most accurate’ data exchange solution

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HOOPS Exchange delivers access to over 20 CAD file formats through a single interface

With support for SolidWorks 2017, NX11, Solid Edge ST 9 and many more, HOOPS Exchange 2017 software development kit looks to enable broad CAD file read/write capability without dependency on proprietary CAD systems or having to develop in-house file-reading technology.

Tech Soft 3D’s latest release of HOOPS Exchange delivers access to over 20 CAD file formats through a single interface and has expanded its support of manufacturing workflows by adding support for JT 9.5, as well as 3MF to expand support for 3D printing file formats.

Another major enhancement is the ability to use multi-process to improve the loading time of CAD assemblies, letting users access and work with large, complex CAD assemblies in seconds, instead of waiting for files to load entirely.
“Our mission is to help our partners create the best, most sophisticated engineering applications in the quickest, easiest way possible and HOOPS Exchange 2017 further delivers on that mission,” said product manager Eric Vinchon.

“Worrying about working with different CAD formats shouldn’t be a concern in this day and age of technology – we know our partners want to focus on creating the applications their customers need and that they rely on HOOPS Exchange because it is the premier solution for engineering data reuse.”

Companies such as Aras, 3D Systems, GrabCAD and CD-adapco rely on HOOPS Exchange’s underlying technology for their desktop, cloud or enterprise applications.


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