Hexagon up for sale to rivals for $20B?

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Hexagon has a huge portfolio of design and engineering software

The financial papers are buzzing today after news that Hexagon, owner of Vero, MSC and other CAD and engineering softwares, is rumoured to be the prospect of a sale to an industry rival at a cost topping $20 billion.

According to Reuters, covering the report from the Wall St Journal [paywall], Hexagon has a current market value of around 130 billion Swedish crowns ($15 billion) which has in part been buoyed by its recent acquisitions.

Hexagon has been on a serious spending spree in the last couple of years, most recently coughing up $834M for simulation software MSC, on top of a spate of other high profile buys, including Vero (which includes EdgeCAM, Vero’s VISI, AlphaCAM, Peps, Radan, WorkNC, SurfCAM and a few others), Forming Technology Inc (FTI), Intergraph, and Aicon 3D Systems.
Commentators have already hinted that robotics giant ABB might be in the market for its Swedish counterpart, while Hexagon has stated that whoever the potential buyer is, “should these evaluations lead to concrete results, the market will be immediately informed”.