Fancy a MakerBot of your own? EngineerVsDesigner can help

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MakerBot Replicator. Bigger, better, dual colour extrusion madness – still with that sound of a fax modem and laser cut ply – love it.

The curious fellows over at Engineer vs Designer have teamed up with Makerbot Industries to bring you the first ever Absurd iPhone Accessory Design Contest!

The idea is come up with a crazy iPhone accessory and you could get your grubby mitts on a brand spanking new Makerbot Replicator (which is about $1750 worth of laser cut plywood goodness).

While there’s the full deets over at their shack, the gist is, upload the idea to by March 19th this year, tag it with “EvD” and cross your fingers, toes and anything else that might bring you good luck. And for good measure, if you don’t know about EvD or Makerbot, a good place to start is the latest episode of the EngineerVsDesigner podcast. Strap on your ear goggles and chuckle like I did this Saturday morning – “Glean on the DIY scene”. Go!

And remember, EvD isn’t an STI – but it is infectious.


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