CFD without mesh generation and pre-processing

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Here’s an interesting idea – Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) without the time consuming mesh generation and pre-processing. This is the idea behind a new CFD tool from Italian firm, Karalit CFD 3D, that enables CAD models ‘to go directly to CFD’.

Karalit’s Direct CFD system features a ‘unique implementation of immersed boundary (IB) technology’. According to the company, this enables models to be immersed into Cartesian grids, eliminating meshing, maintaining the integrity of cells, and speeding CAD-to-CFD iterations throughout the design cycle.
The software features pre-designed apps designed to automate, simplify and speed set-up for industry-specific simulations for Aerospace, Automotive, Build Environment and Valves. Customers can run the software on an unlimited number of cores at no additional cost.

There’s an interesting Q and A on the Karalit website that explains the immersed boundary (IB) technology in detail – an approach that was first developed in the 1970s.

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