#1 http://twitter.com/iainclaridge – for a stream of blogging goodness for all things design.
#2 http://twitter.com/solidsmack – when you read that first tweet, suffix with Good Morning, the world seems somehow happier.
#3 http://twitter.com/dorasmith – Might as well be “how to do Social Media 101 for the corporate world.”
#4 http://twitter.com/AutodeskMFG – if you’re an Inventor user Mr. Bedder has got tips and tricks galore – and he’s currently singing along to the Muppet’s christmas carol soundtrack.
#5 http://twitter.com/deelipmenezes – When he’s not pimping his data translation tools, he actually has something interesting to say. Interesting? Yes. Accurate. Not always. But always entertaining.
All time top five top fives list of 2009: #5 Top Five people to follow on Twitter
Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology
Report from PTC Live TechForum
Sigmetrix previews latest 1-Dimensional tolerance stackup analysis tool EZtol
AMD Radeon ProRender to be made available in Cinema 4D
Fashioning the fastest face-first descents: Bromley Sports skeleton bobsleighs
Take to the polls: Future CAD
MSI launches 17-inch ‘Skylake’ mobile workstation with RAID 0 NVMe PCIe SSDs
RCA Student makes Toaster from Scratch