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Compute Maritime NeuralShipper transforms maritime simulation with Siemens & AI

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NeuralShipper, an AI trained vessel design and optimisation platform developed by Compute Maritime, has collaborated with Siemens Digital Industries Software to pair rapid concept generation with robust design validation through Siemens’ CFD simulation.

Trained on more than 100,000 vessel designs – container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, tugboats, crew supply vessels, and more – the project connects NeuralShipper with Siemens’ Simcenter STAR-CCM+ software for CFD, allowing users to explore hundreds of hull forms beyond their imagination within minutes, all while satisfying design and performance requirements.

With the martime industry adopting new fuel types and energy-saving devices, new designs can be created to accommodate such technologies to fully leverage these advances.

“Our collaboration with Compute Maritime represents a paradigm shift in maritime design,” said Dmitry Ponkratov, marine director, Simulation and Test Solutions, Siemens Digital Industries Software.

“The combination of NeuralShipper and Simcenter STAR-CCM+ aims to redefine how multidisciplinary design optimisation is performed. It enables the creation of novel vessel types and demonstrates how designers can automate simulation processes and predict real-world performance, even for the most unconventional designs.”

“Many modern maritime design firms depend on Simcenter STAR-CCM+ for their CFD simulations, so working with Siemens brings tremendous value,” said Compute Maritime CTO Junaid Awan. “NeuralShipper and Simcenter STAR-CCM+ address this need by enabling rapid concept generation and robust design validation, making this collaboration both timely and essential.”

Examples of designs generated with NeuralShipper showcase adapting a commercial vessel design to accommodate new fuels and energy-saving devices, creating versatile workboats, or developing more efficient and aesthetically pleasing leisure yachts.


NeuralShipper acts in the preliminary design phase, rapidly generating hundreds of design options within minutes, letting design teams accelerate concept development and proceed to the detailed design phase.

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