Speeding up 3D scanning using FlexScan3D automation software

1921 0

FlexScan3D was designed to be used with LMI’s range of HDI 3D scanners

LMI Technologies (LMI) is looking to optimise the 3D scanning workflow by introducing more features to automate steps previously done manually.

Its software, FlexScan3D, is capable of triggering a new scan automatically once the scan target is placed into a new position for scanning, detecting movement to the scan target, either by hand or mechanical means, and decides when to trigger a new scan.

When coupled with automated geometry alignment, two scans will automatically match up even if the scans are in not close in proximity or in different orientations.
Removing the back and forth manual scanning process, and automatically lining up the data once captured, it speeds up the ability to create a complete 3D model.

The latest version of FlexScan3D 3.3.2 software was developed to power LMI’s HDI 3D scanners, including the HDI Advance with its scalable design to allow future hardware upgrades.

“At LMI, we believe in making 3D technologies like 3D scanning more accessible,” said Terry Arden, CEO of LMI Technologies. “3D scanning can be perceived as a specialised skill that is difficult to learn and master.


“The new version of FlexScan3D puts those who are new to 3D scanning at ease by automating various steps in the process, making 3D scanning much easier and more intuitive for users from capturing scans to building a 3D model.”

Other upgrades to this version include independent photogrammetry marker exposure, making it easier to detect markers on targets with high contrast for scan alignment; motion control plug-ins so users can develop their own multi-axis rotary control system; and support for Italian language users.


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