Dimension uPrint launched

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The Dimension 3D Printing Group (a business unit of Stratasys) has just launched the uPrint Personal 3D printer. The uPrint is priced at EUR 11,999 or $14,900 is available for purchase immediately through Dimension’s reseller channel (personally speaking, D3D loves Laser Lines).

As you can see, uPrint is designed for the desktop (a growing trend these days, with Objet getting their first) requiring only a 635mm x 660mm footprint and featuring an 203mm x 152mm x 152mm build envelope.

There’s a video on the dimension web-site, but they don’t share it, so you’ll have to make do with this one, from a reseller.

As you’d expect, the machine uses Dimensions’ Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology using the ABSplus filament: a stronger variant of the standard ABS material (around 40% stronger than standard ABS). The machine also uses the soluble support material that’s been standard on most Dimension/Stratasys machines for some time.


With the release of the uPrint, Dimension’s changing the market. Objet might have got their first with the Alaris30, but Dimension has removed a pretty big price barrier. Let the games commence. I wonder who’s next? Z Corp with a desktop machine (unlikely, because of the nature of the process) or maybe even 3D Systems or Desktop Factory might even consider shipping a products at some point soon, rather than just talking about it.

Oh and did I mention – this thing comes in Green, Red or White. Choo Choo.

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